Sunday, July 26, 2009

Delhi's autowallahs

Driving is a very essential skill to survive in Delhi. Unfortunately, I quit driving after mastering that skill, a few years back. Driving in Delhi is a pain, it exhausts you to the extent that you are demotivated enough. That does not change the fact that it remains a very important skill ...
Now me being one of the unskilled ones, falls back on autos or someone to drive me to places. The thought of travelling in buses is scary and the reach of metro is limited. The thought of travelling by autos is also stressful with the general perception of autowallahs to be mean, dishonest, impolite and opportunists.
Today was an exception as the two auto drivers I happen to travel with were really nice. They charged me per the meter. The chap who took us back saw that my mother and I were tired of the heat and crowd so he immediately agreed to take us home on meter charges. He also noticed that I was thirsty and was trying to drink the last few drops in my bottle, so he stopped on the way and offered us some cold water from the rediwalla. Though we refused, he got two glasses for us and refused money. His small gesture really touched my heart and I realised that we should never extrapolate our experiences..

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