Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tulsi : Herbal qualities

Ocimum sanctum or holy basil: You must be guessing what it is? Right? It is nothing but the small herb that grows outside our homes in gardens, pots and bushes. Tulsi it is. I have had many mails by my friends on the benefits of the tulsi plant in the prevention and cure of the dreaded swine flu.
I have always cherished tulsi leaves in my cup of tea. A few leaves plucked from the herb and put in the boiling water adds amazing flavour and taste to your morning cuppa. It also has medicinal value during common cold and cough. Moreover, it is worshipped in Hindu households too.
Just go out, search for a small tulsi plant and give it home in your garden or balcony. Else put a few seeds in a pot and see the plant come up. Holy it is ..

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