Thursday, April 22, 2010

life on social networking websites

An age when everything is done on a social networking site

XYZ is going home today

4 people like it !!

Thye meet on social networking sites, eat on there, do farming and grow horsebarns, break eggs and eggs and eggs. They date on the site, will marry and have kids there.

They trade on the site and share cash.. find fortunes,,, share pictures..

the whold world gets to know AB and DE are friends now..

someone was just tagged in a photo
and 3 people like it
TY joined a group

i found a lonely cow on the farm.. oops i mean on the virtual farm and 10 people like it

cya soon

Saturday, April 10, 2010

what causes jams in delhi

sometimes i stop to think what causes jams in delhi on some days much more than the other days. One of these days while coming back from office , i got a massive jam on NH8... i assumed there must be some diversion or accident. But after crossing the airport, i realised there was none.. i could not figure out the reason for the jam.. .
When one flyover is complete, we are happy cause we wont get a jam.. but surprisingly after the naraina flyover opened, there was a jam yesterday again at dhaula kuan.. Why?
because they were constructing something there.. a road.. so when we feel we are free of a jam, some other construction starts leading to another roadblock/.. wil it ever end

Friday, April 2, 2010

delhi diseases- shivjeet

1. busnostopitis: buses never stop at the stop but beyond it or before it
2. pavementaria: if you own the bungalow; u own the pavement around it to make a garden
3. vipjamus: jams caused due to VIP vehicles
4. builder nexus

page 3 dictionary; SK

glad you are enjoying the party: I'm the host and I have no idea who you are
lets get together sometime: if i really wanted to meet you, i would take your number
sorry i forgot to give u my card: i am an ace you are a joker

Delhi phobias: shivjeet kullar

1. Smilophobia: fear of smiling unnecessarily else someone may consider you over friendly and take advantage
2.thookaphobia: not spitting enough on the road
3. galliwalaphobia: fear of speaking a sentence without a gaali
4. redlitophobia: fearof stopping at red light
5. urinophobia: fear of leaving walls and plants dry
6. riteparkopobia: fear of parking in the right area

Pinglish: shivjeet

1. relax, mai punj minta vich pauncha va:i may arrive in 5 multiplied by 20 +ten - 10 multiplied by 1.5 minutes

2. twanuy paise mil jaange, 100 percent gurantee: odds of you seeing me again is 1 in a million
3. party 8 pm shuru changa? dont come at 8 pm. dare you come before 11...

Delhi laws - shivjeet Kullar

1. the other side law: if my side of the road has traffic jam, then i can drive on the wrong side and the incoming cars will be rerouted via meerut
2. queue nahin hai rule: if i wanna break a queue, noone notices me if I avoid looking at them
3. cinema hall fact: if i get a call on my mobile, the movie in the hall goes to pause
4. the burrp break: louder i burrp, better it is for others digestion
5. VIP rule: I me, my mainu, main aamee moi

The great Delhi summer

35 degrees - fans on speed 2
36 degrees - car ACs on
37 degrees - wimming pools openACs serviced
38 degrees - sunglasses and ganna juice
40 degrees - coolers and mosquitoes
41 degrees - power cuts
43 degrees- roads melt
44 degrees - road rage

Dilli to pagal hai- shivjeet khullar

A nice collection of anecdotes :
1. "clonies" in dilli
ungreen park
uday no park; no place to park in uday park
crore bagh: crorepatis in middle class homes
cannot place: cant place anything there
lonely kunj
rkrkrkr puram

Thursday, April 1, 2010

things i love to do

1. prepare maggi at night after skipping dinner . it tastes better when dinner is skipped and it is prepared late night
2. sleep late on weekends and holidays.. sleep till the time your eyes cant remain close any more.
3. change my nail paint and try new colors
4. love to take green tea after a heavy lunch and ice cream
5. take a nice oil bath on weekends
6. gorge on nice rajma chawal in dinner