Thursday, June 11, 2009

the slow drive to office

Every morning I get up at 6:00 and board my cab to office at 7:15 am. And then there is this long boring drive to office for an hour. I try to sleep but can't and its so boring..... I try to talk but can't as my senses are asleep and in sub conscious. . . The long ring road lined by green trees give me a feeling of drowsiness.... I close my eyes and try to listen to some songs over radio and they make me feel so low...
I have a slight pain in the legs getting up early and it continues throughout the drive... the drive never seems to end.. life is a long drive and a sleepy one too....

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! I hate the drive to work (and back) every day. To top that, I have a cab driver who has a passion for mournful undiscovered songs from the 80's.. I've begun to appreciate a few but damn, some of them are sad!
