Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Careers and ambitions

Sometimes I wonder what career I want to pursue in my life. I do not have an answer to that. Because observing my inclinations over a long period of time, I saw that my interests change from time to time. It is surprising for me to see someone pursue the same career all their lives. A doctor continues to do the same things... or a finance person continues to be in the role all their lives. It is good in a way that they grow and become specialists in the area. But I am different in this respect. I cannot think of doing the same thing all the time, however interesting it may be.
During my school days, I aspired to become a doctor. I took up biology with maths and surprisingly did very well in the subject. I was a class topper in biological sciences and it make my determination to become a doctor, stronger. This continued till the time, I had to do my first rat dissection. The activity left me disillusioned.. yes I mean it. I just could not come to terms with the idea of doing this daily as a part of my job. So i went for a Physics graduation and post graduation from Delhi university. After post graduation, all I wanted to do was to get a job and begin earning. It gives me tremendous satisfaction to earn money. So I started with a small job and soon moved on to a BPO. I was attracted to the glamorous life of a BPO and got bored with the clerical type of job I was doing. So I went to join in. soon I was disillusioned with the place and the night shifts. Then I tried for the Indian Air force exam. i got through the first phase but gave up when they asked me to do physical activities like jumping ropes and monkey crawling..Haha I am not made to do hard work..Too used to comforts and laziness. I decided to quit and pursue a serious career. Guess what.. I began preparing for my civil services exam... I studied day and night at home to prepare for civil services. Finally I made it to the mains . This was more rigorous hard work in less time. Side by side, I also filled up forms for state civil services as UPSC was a tough nut to crack. Once the exams were over, I had nothing to do so that bug of earning money got into me again and I once again joined a BPO. This time it was a U"K based shift so easier for me and the culture and facilities were really good. Unfortunately I made it to the State services but could not make it to UPSC and had no energies to start over again, so I continued my job in the BPO. I went on from a slow starter to become a floor superstar rank 1. Soon the job started getting into my nerves, wanted a change badly.. Then I got this opportunity to work in Google and I was thrilled to join one of the biggest names in the globe. Now as time moves on.. I will see where my mind take me .... to the zone unknown

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