Wednesday, April 15, 2009

IIM Calcutta Day 2 and 3

I was up at 5:45 next morning and the sun was up high in the sky. I quickly went and finished my bathing ritual before I end up in a long queue. People like me are extra fussy about all this as we are so used to our solitude and routine, that any deviation from it is seen as a punishment. We then proceeded to take a walk around the beautiful campus and made some new friends. Hungry by now, we were greeted by soft hot puris, aloo bhaji and some fresh tea in the mess. The heat was increasing as the sun was rising up the sky and I could feel the sweat all over the body. We were so delighted to reach the classroom which was air conditioned and it was a great relief to sit there. Some lectures were good while some other soporific, and luckily we had tea breaks in between to break the monotony. The day ended and we all sat on the jetty on the pond with mosquitoes feeding on our sweet blood.
The third day followed the same pattern with the exception that we had a dinner and a party at night. It was a lot of fun and we danced to the tunes of some bollywood numbers. We also made friends with some full time IIM students in the campus. The fun ended till late in the night ...

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