Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Trip to IIM Calcutta- Day 1

When I left for the Delhi airport, I was feeling completely low and bored. Just wanted to get over with this campus study trip as I was alone and had too many things in my mind. While checking in, I met two more batch mates and that made me feel a little better. The indigo flight was boring and uneventful. No food or entertainment screens made me feel zoned out. Finally when we reached Kolkata, we could already feel the humidity in the air. The drive from the airport to the campus was long and tiring.......And all of us were starving.
I had already planned to raid the canteen once I reach there. The IIM campus was a quiet peaceful place with lots of man-made water bodies and flora of all types. When both of us reached the hostel, the caretaker gave us the key to our rooms. As soon as I opened the room, I gave a cry of disappointment. Never having stayed outside home, I was a spoilt brat and was used to comforts. The gush of hot air and the not so pleasant room made me very unhappy. However, left with little choice, I dumped my luggage and rushed with my friend to the mess. You cannot imagine how a hungry stomach enjoys anything that is served. I relished the simple meal of lentils, rice, roti and curry so much that I ended up eating more than my fill. Post-dinner, I went back to my room and fell into a deep slumber.

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