Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend trip to Chandigarh

I like to spend my weekends lazing around and doing pending things. Summer weekends are usually lazier .... However, this weekend, my slumber was broken by my mum's voice. She was asking me to get up because we had to leave for Chandigarh. I was feeling completely sick at the thought of getting up early morning. Saturdays are supposed to be meant to sleep and relax.. isn't it? Anyways we all got ready and left for Chandigarh at around 10:00 am. The sun was performing at its best and the heat was killing. We chatted and the music was loud... As always , I prefer listening to FM stations more than anything else...
Our first stopover was at Murthal which is known for its delicious paranthas. We went inside the restaurant and ordered lassi and paranthas. I ordered a paneer one. Soon our food arrived and I felt guilty looking at the mountain of white melting butter on the paranthas. The food was too salty for my taste. I feel that sometimes these very popular joints do not live up to the expectations ... We drove on ... saw a lot of fields on fire on the highway..I could see smoke rising and fields burnt to ashes. We reached our destination in the noon. The day was busy .....
The next morning we left for Delhi.... Stopped at a popular place called Haveli for some beverages... It was a theme mall cum stopover. There were those old time cots all over and punjabi music playing .... Next stopover was Murthal again but this time with some better quality paranthas :). Finally reached home sunday evening.. tired and sunburnt.

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