Monday, April 20, 2009

My hobbies and interests

I go speechless when people ask me about my hobbies or interests. I don't know what my hobbies or interests are because they keep on changing. What may be a hobby today may not be there tomorrow. And it also makes me wonder how people stick to a single hobby throughout their life...How long can you do a particular thing? How long can you keep your interest in that activity alive? I am different in this respect and my interests keep on changing from time to time... When I was a kid, I used to love playing badminton and chupan chupai.. i also loved reading fairy tales.... With times those interests died away and were replaced by full time academics with no time for leisure...?I acquire new interests all the time...I have tried my hands at all things, from menial useless tasks to important ones.. I learnt to type on the old typewriter when I was in class 10th. To go there. I used to ride my hexon bicycle to the nearby place and learn it. Learning to ride a bicycle helped me go to learn and type and typing has helped me to blog now :).
Then I tried my hand at HTML and web page making. World was new to the internet that time so I learnt to write emails. :) I feel like a paleolithic fossil now. Thereafter I wanted to learn cray paper flower making and clay modelling. I learnt to stitch and knit and tried my hand at learning the keyboard. I then got into a passion for driving... For that, I bought a car and learnt driving but gave up soon :( . Driving in Delhi is such a pain. Specially getting parking spaces and doing it just right. I moved on to learn Table tennis and can play at a beginner level and then learn pool too. I learnt bowling, go karting and foosball. The most challenging activity to learn was swimming as it involved submerging yourself in water and learning to breathe. Initially, I was even paranoic about taking a dip in the pool. Slowly moved to floating at the pool corners.. It took me more than a month and even more courage to reach the bottom of the pool. In spite of a lot of discouragement, I finally learnt basic freestyle and moved on to breast stroke too. I tried to get into couchsurfing but failed. No I have taken up blogging..Don't know how long it will last..

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