Wednesday, April 15, 2009

IIM Calcutta Day 4 and 5

By the third day, I got accustomed to the life at the hostel and stopped cribbing. I kind of started enjoying the new routine, which was a great change from the usual boring work life in Delhi. The classes were great fun. Some of them had a naturally situational humor added to them ;) he he. Nights were full of gossip and masti. Also, I got used to the stray dogs in the campus. No matter what, they followed you everywhere you went. And of course, you had to share your food and even ice cream with them, else they may get upset. The chief of these dogs was one called Tiger who got fatter each day eating the leftovers at the canteen and guarding the ladies wing of the hostel :) Lucky fella haan..And then two of my friends took us all to the rooftop of the hostel where there was water tank. I was so paranoic to climb up. When i finally did, I realized that I just could not come down. I somehow came down and was too happy that I was alive and kicking. Somehow I tired hard but finally had to go back to sleep.
The last day at the campus got me emotional. Our gang went for bowling and sightseeing. We had great fun and kept chatting almost the enitre night...Back home, i could still feel the post holiday syndrome.. The four days flew away like the westerlies with some memories behind....

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